Visions found around massive protests in Spain: there are those who celebrate the legitimacy of citizens' movement and they crave in revolutionary odes, some people talk of a new theatrical manipulation of the elite co-opting massive movements for their own citizens
On May 15 thousands of people took to the streets in protest in various parts of Spain, called by Democracy Now and cyber group under hashtag # nolesvotes. It is estimated that more than 130 thousand people participated in the citizen complaint has been divided into a continuous mass protest in the Plaza del Sol in Madrid (and in other cities in Spain) and some call, with echoes of Egypt and the revolts Arab Revolution. "
The trigger for the protest appears to have been the union before the repudiation of the Law Sinde, an initiative that would allow the government under unclear bases and possibly even arbitrary close Internet sites it deems infringe on intellectual property. The approval of this Act made supporting parties to join the lobby of the corporatocracy but in turn provoked the union of civil society in its rejection, under the baton of cyberorganization on blogs and social networks.
Two of the leaders of these protests are academic blogger and new media expert Enrique Dans and the founder of news aggregator Digg, Ricardo Galli. While there is no doubt that Most people who congregate incomformidad respond to a sincere policy-in a country that suffers from high unemployment especially among youth and is like most countries of the elite victim business-some conspiracy bloggers are beginning to doubt these protests (while others extol as revealed galactic revolution) .
Interesting is the fact that on Sunday 22 regional elections held in Spain, in this sense the timing of the protest may be reflected in the polls. A fact that should also be considered in the light of the speed with which this protest was organized and circulated by the media in a week election.
For some, the fact that practice leaders (although Enrique Dans said no leaders) are Dans, associate of the country (whose director is a member of Bilderberg), educated at Harvard and part of the political mainstream media (the same system as real seek to unseat revolution), and founder of the site Galli Digg, a news aggregator that receives millions of hits per month and censoring content that has to do with conspiracies, UFOs and other alternative information. Can geeks make a revolution? Can someone who eats so well the system seek to kill it?
Moreover we have that all the mass media in Spain have given huge coverage to the protests almost celebrating its occurrence, to some extent serving broadcasters and promoters of civil protest. This is for those who are suspicious of the media and its close relationship with political power is a sign that there is something wrong with the movement. Recall that the movement in Egypt that led to the downfall of the dictator Mubarak was also boosted by the CIA and the apparent shift in power to a government from the people has not been in any way.
The site Anti-Imperialist writes:
"could be a deluded and say that it is a popular awakening, but only we would be fooling ourselves and many other people. To get hold (in much the overnight) events such as the May 15, we need a media that are beyond the reach of grassroots and independent, this is something they know very well many political and social movements that have been fighting for their demands, for many years and have never gotten the results of this movement, and even less that the mainstream media would reflect their demands, as if they have done in this case. "
The same site notes the presence of the English NGO Oxfam Intermóm in organizing the protests. This NGO began as the Mission Secretariat and Propaganda of the Society of Jesus, thus suspect could generate proactive involvement of the Jesuits (Vatican tight arm).
Trinity Site Ground makes an interesting retrospective of the cover of The Country of the movement before 15M somehow whipping:
Public 05/09/1911 titled "Youth finally ... and reacts unworthy. "
On April 8, the country talked about "angry young but too well" to announce the call in code "juvenile"
"We must recognize that to be a movement labeled" anti-system ", the event has been announced in the newspapers more than I have memory."
Here are two possibilities, on which it is difficult to decide at this time and distance. It is possible that the times are changing communications are opening up the internet to organize social movements at high speed relatively independent, while the glut of society to the political classes increases proportionally to the extent that increased transparency mechanisms (ie WikiLeaks.) Wick protest spreads in the world digital avalanche awareness and increases exponentially until it is a real threat for the real power ( as fearful Zbig Brzezinski said "global political awakening ).
The other possibility, which handled the conspiracy, suspicious of everything that comes from a mass medium such as El Pais, is that "all a sham, a mount, the new version of pan y circo en la era de la (des)información. Los movimientos politicos que vemos son en realidad acontecimientos superficiales de una estrategia y una agenda oculta cuyos ajedrecistas yacen en la sombra, manipulando y creando revueltas de países enteros –títeres- para servir a sus ignotos intereses (los Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bilderberg, Iluminati etc.)”.
Probablemente una mezcla entre estas dos versiones de la realidad es lo que estamos viendo con estas protestas masivas. La genuina y casi incontenible manifestación del pueblo en contra de la corrupción-explotación-manipulación de la business elite political class and the appropriation and infiltration of these movements to be used to it by the same people that the movement seeks to unseat. Maybe in Spain the real corporate power-political view that a revolt was inevitable and it was better sucite and keep it under your control ensured. Or maybe the protest grew organically and the possibility of reprmirla and dismantle decided use to her advantage with a judo mechanism, keeping the Western illusion of democracy and tolerance.
is too early to define what is happening. In this sense we present a summary of which raises the protest movement and then a series of links with different voices on this political phenomenon.
- Abolition of unjust laws. Deleted and replaced as the Law Sinde standards, the Bologna Process, the Aliens Act, the Political Parties Law and the Electoral Act. And supports key laws approved by the Cortes are preceded by a referendum.
- Third Republic. Some want a referendum on monarchy or republic, others bet directly to rid the Constitution everything having to do with the Royal Family.
- tax reforms. Advocate "to favor lower income" to "pay more the haves" and "that VAT is a progressive tax." In addition, among other things, like "the establishment of the Tobin to tax speculation and the movement of capital and that the results obtained by these taxes accrue on social policies." Also call "nationalizing the bailed-out banks."
- Transportation and mobility. Promote public transport and alternative to the car, creating a network of bike lanes, travel pass subsidize the unemployed.
- Reform of the working conditions of the political class. It calls for the elimination of salary for life, formal education (which contested to) the review and assessment of policies at the end of each term, free and fair electoral lists of alleged political corruption.
- Total Termination of Church and State and Division of Powers. Religion should be limited only to privacy and judges should stay away from politics.
- participatory and direct democracy. Bet operation on the base assembly-citizen (neighborhoods, districts ...) supported by the Internet and new technologies. They also requested participation in matters relating to the management of budgets by the various administrations. In general, decentralization of political power.
- Improvement and adjustment of labor relations. Basically it is to end the precarious wage and the "abuse" of scholars, establishing a minimum wage of 1,200 euros, with a State guarantee employment and equal pay.
- Ecology and Environment. Immediate closure of nuclear plants and support sustainable economies.
- Recovery of public enterprises privatized. The Administration should take over management again.
- Force of the State. Reduction of military spending cierre de las fábricas de armas y negativa a la intervención en cualquier escenario de guerra.
- Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica. Condena del franquismo.
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