Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pattern For Bellydance Gauntlets

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Ever Hppened To Nick Berry


I swear that, unbelievably, this time Spain had nothing to do. Aperta

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rikers Island February Inmate Schedule


When you have a son,
have the son of the house and the whole street,
have when riding on the rump of the beggar
car and pushing the English governess
and child gringo weighting
Creole and white boy black
weighting and weighting Indian child and the child india black
charging the earth.

When you have a child, there are many children
the street is filled
and the square and the bridge
market and church and every child is our street crossing
car runs him over and when out on the balcony
and when the pool closes up, and when a child
shout, do not know if ours is
cry or the child, and if it bleed
and complains, for the moment

not know if ay is yours or if blood is ours.

When you have a child is our child
accompanying blind and
Meninas and the same dwarf
and Prince and Princess of France
and that San Antonio in the arms and having
Coromoto legs.
When you have a son, we laugh all creeks, all crying
crispa us, wherever it comes.
When you have a child, has the world in
and heart out.

And when you have two children
have all the children of the earth,
the millions of children with the land mourn, mothers
to laugh, to dream the worlds, Paul Fort
who wanted to
joined hands for the world outside the track of a wheel, which
Man of State, which has a cute kid,
God wants to gut the inside and outside,
those who escaped Herod
parted down in Hiroshima eyes, as children of war, because sufficient for all the light out of a child a crack
China or Japanese look.

When two children
have any fear of the planet, all the fear
men who want to kill
bright light and strike the sails
and bloody rubber balls and dip into tears
railway line.
When two
children have the joy and woe the world into two heads,
all the anguish and all hope
light and tears, to see which one comes,
whether the way the universe
mourn the way of shining stars. Andrés Eloy Blanco

Beautiful poetry, which sends me my cousin Esther from Caracas. When you have two children, you have all the fear of the planet. Attest. Aperta


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stand Alone Cable Dvr


then transcribes the speech of the Prime Minister of Spain in America, a speech to me, I feel wonderful, and also seems consistent with the actions of our president. These days, it rained criticism from all political and social strata, especially critical for economic policy, I mean, hopefully we have this government and this president for years, because for me are the guarantors of freedom, democracy, and social progress, and never involution, represented by the most ancient right, back to rule this country ....... and stay for many years in its natural place, which is none other than the eternal opposition. Hopefully. -------------------

"Thanks for inviting me to participate on behalf of my country, on behalf of Spain, one of the most traditional events and symbolism in American society. Thanks to Senators Klobuchar and Isakson, and let me speak Castilian, the language in which it was first prayed to the God of the Gospel in this land.

No one like you knows the value of religious freedom, its predecessors fled from the domination and to never usurped freedom founded this country.

One Nation, United States, lit in a democracy, that has not stopped growing in strength, which abolished slavery, recognized the equal vote and outlawed discrimination, which has widened pluralism, tolerance, respect all options and beliefs. Achievements

admirable, admirable in the eyes of a Democrat who lives in one of the oldest nations of the world: Spain, a nation also diverse, forged in diversity and renewed in its diversity, a nation also American, "the most multicultural the lands of Europe, (La) Spain Celtic and Iberian, Phoenician, Greek, Roman, Jewish, Arab and Christian, "especially Christian," as has been characterized from Latin America Carlos Fuentes.

Our two countries owe much to those who have come from outside. No are without them, without which, over time, have come to our land and live together, have become "us" who we are.

Let me read a passage from the Bible, chapter 24 of Deuteronomy: "Do not oppress a hired servant poor and needy, whether one of your countrymen or foreigners who live in one of the cities of your country. Pay him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets, porque está necesitado, y su vida depende de su jornal".

No dejemos de velar por la buena integración de quienes han venido a trabajar y a convivir a nuestros países; no dejemos de velar también por aquellos a los que no podemos acoger entre nosotros, y pasan hambre y miseria en tantos lugares de la Tierra, como las personas que viven en Haití y cuyo infortunio nos ha movido a hacer un gran ofrecimiento de solidaridad; una solidaridad que nos reconcilia con nuestra condición misma de seres humanos, vulnerables y fraternos, y que no debe diluirse en el olvido.

Asimismo, quiero proclamar el más sentido compromiso con los hombres y las mujeres que en nuestras sociedades padecen, en estos tiempos difíciles, lack of work. They should all know that no task that we, as leaders, we feel more responsible, that no task that besets us more than help create employment.

Ladies and gentlemen, my prayer today

also wants to claim the right of every person, anywhere in the world, their moral autonomy, its own search of the property. Today my prayer

wants to claim the freedom of everyone to live their own lives, to live with a loved one and to create and care for their families, deserve respect for it.

Freedom is the true citizenship, the common truth. Is it that makes us real, authentic como personas y como ciudadanos, porque nos permite a cada cual mirar a la cara al destino y buscar la propia verdad.

Pero la tolerancia es mucho más que la aceptación del otro; es descubrir, conocer y reconocer al otro. El desconocimiento del otro está en la raíz de los conflictos que amenazan a la Humanidad y ponen en peligro nuestro futuro. El odio nace de la ignorancia y la concordia se construye sobre el conocimiento. También la paz.

España ya fue en el pasado ejemplo de convivencia entre las tres religiones del Libro, Judaísmo, Cristianismo e Islam, y hoy defiende en el mundo la tolerancia religiosa y el respeto a la diferencia; el diálogo, la convivencia de las culturas, la Alianza de las Civilizaciones.

We do as much conviction as we reject the exclusive claims of moral superiority, the uncompromising absolutism or fundamentalism.

United States knows, as so does Spain, which the spurious use of religious faith to justify violence can be enormously destructive, and what better time than this Prayer Breakfast to remember together, to honor together, our victims of terrorism, because, together, we defend freedom wherever it is threatened.

Mr President, Congress, ladies and gentlemen,

Whether a transcendent dimension and civic freedom is always the foundation of hope, hope in the future.

"For freedom and for honor, it is said in Don Quixote, the most important literary work written in English can and should risk one's life, and, on the other hand, captivity is the greatest evil that can come to men. Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that heaven gave men ... "

that gift to America and continue to guide all the peoples of the earth. "
